(In response to The Influence of Multiple Intelligence Theory on Web-Based Learning )
Multiple Intelligence integration into my classroom is at times
enhancing and at others partitioned. Many of the natural combinations of
intelligences come easy to a Language Arts workshop. Students working
independently to read/write followed by sharing/critiquing peers is intra and
interpersonal. Depending on the particular project, spatial and logical-mathematical
are incorporated. These are the enhancements.
At other times, I struggle to incorporate intelligences and force
them into separate activities. For example, bodily kinesthetic often seems forced
for the sake of getting students out of their desks, not necessarily improving
the curriculum. Actually, it often proves to be more of a distraction. The
closest I’ve come is gallery walks and inventing body movements for vocabulary
As learning increasingly turns toward technology as a platform,
educators are afforded greater ease in combining multiple intelligences with a
single lesson/project/activity. A single student’s varying aptitude in the
intelligences does have the ability to hamper learning in a dynamic curriculum
that combines them (Riha and Robles-Pena, 2009). More than likely, online learning
and media integration will limit the interference and allow the intelligences
to balance or even augment each other by providing greater combinations and
choices of learning tools.
For instance, an online curriculum can create a podcast lecutre
that incorporates music for a teacher without musical talent via published
soundtracks. Linguistic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal
are all easily recreated by technology with blog forums and podcasting. These
are the elements already most readily produced in traditional classrooms.
Bodily-kinesthetic, the least used by classroom teachers, is afforded more
opportunity due to the greater allotment of time. By flipping a classroom with
online learning at home, class time can be spent exploring tangible, real-world
applications on field trips.
If any of these particular elements creates too much interference,
online lessons can be edited more simply than a one-time classroom experience.
Perhaps one student cannot focus with a soundtrack playing during a podcast
lecture. A teacher can much more easily edit and repost a the podcast than they
can recreate an in-class lecture minus the song- if there ever was one.
Multiple Intelligence learning is research supported. High-level
educators know to consider these in their lesson planning. Online learning
opens more doors for synthesizing them within a single learning target.
Riha, Mark & Robles-Pina, Rebecca A. (2009). The influence of
multiple intelligences theory on web-based learning. MERLOT journal of online learning and teaching. Retrieved from http://jolt.merlot.org/vol5no1/robles-pina_0309.htm
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